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Anthropological Discourse.

Anthropology was always a fascinating subject for me. In fact, I got the 'bug' from my father who was a world-renowned Anthropologist in academic circles, lecturing on aspects of the subject in several Universities across the globe. So I was naturally drawn to it eventually at University.

Now, what is  Anthropology?

The word is derived from the Greek for human discourse {anthropos, 'human' and 'logos' discourse or science} The first usage of Anthropology as a scientific discipline was around the 16th  century. Over time it had expanded, contracted, as it flowed through various regional interpretations of Central Europe, Europe, and the Americas, taking on various attributes as it evolved. Here however is not the place for any in-depth discourse on the subject. 

Suffice it to say that simply put, Social Anthropology is the study of the societal and cultural attributes, cultural differences, and the features that identify the common humanity of the world peoples. Although initially, it was a tool to identify and highlight the primitivity of the 'other'  (  an excuse to colonize and enslave with a clear conscience) as opposed to the 'civilized', 'rational', and 'not prone to magic' western mind, it has now evolved in contemporary times as a tool in appreciating diverse cultures thus engendering harmony among the human race. Hopefully.


In the course of my studies, I had written Essays that some academics may find interesting hence this page.


As a starter, here is a sample. Please click on the button.



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